Mother's Day Brunch

SKU: mothersdaybrunch

Sunday, May 11, 2025   |   11AM – 12:30PM

Let's celebrate moms! Join us for a special Mother's Day brunch to spend some quality time with mom and all of your favorite animals at the zoo!


This fun event will include:

  • Delicious catered brunch buffet 
  • Coffee, juice, water, soda and unlimited “MOM…mosas” and bloody marys (for the adults)

  • Fun giraffe presentation sponsored by North Shore Bank

  • Lovely flower for mom
  • Commemorative photo
  • Crafts for kids to create for mom

PLUS! General Admission to the Zoo!



Adult Member: $40
Adult Non-Member: $50
Child Member: $30
Child Non-Member: $40
Children 2 years and younger: FREE

Ticket sales for this event will close on Wednesday, May 7 at noon or when capacity has been reached!

Please Note:

  • Pre-registration required! Tickets not available at the door.
  • There are no physical tickets for this event. Your name will be put on a list at the entrance of the event. Please bring your ID.
  • Only purchase tickets through the Racine Zoo website or in person at the Zoo. All other places tickets may be sold are a scam.
  • Proceeds benefit the animals and programs of the Racine Zoo.


Not A Zoo Member? Don't want to miss out on the special discounts?  Join today and SAVE!




List price: $0.00
Price: $0.00