Wild for Wine

SKU: WildforWine


Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 6PM - 9PM

Join us for our fundraising event for the care of our eastern black rhinos, Timu and Kianga, and the conservation of their wild counterparts!


This fun event includes:

  • An exquisite wine selection
  • Delectable five-course catered dinner
  • Ambassador animal encounter
  • Presentation all about rhinos by one of our Animal Care Specialists
  • Silent auction


Wine Selection:

1st course: 90+ Cellars Prosecco Rose

2nd course: Ironside Chardonnay

3rd course: Ironside Reserve Pinot Noir

4th course: Ironside Cabernet Sauvignon

5th course: Ironside Red Blend


Food Menu:

1st course: Caprese Skewers

2nd course: Bourbon meatballs

3rd course: Strawberry, almond, goat cheese salad with raspberry vinaigrette

4th course: Chicken cordon blue with garlic mashed potatoes and Caribbean Blend veggies

5th course: Chocolate tuxedo cake



Zoo Member: $90
Zoo Non-Member: $100
Zoo Member Non-Drinking: $80
Zoo Non-Member Non-Drinking: $90

*Must be 21 years or older to attend


Please Note:

  • Pre-registration required! Tickets not available at the door.
  • Ticket sales close at 4PM on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
  • There are no physical tickets for this event. Your name will be put on a list at the entrance of the event. Please bring your ID.
  • Only purchase tickets through the Racine Zoo website. All other places tickets may be sold are a scam.
  • Proceeds benefit the animals and programs of the Racine Zoo.


Not A Zoo Member? Don't want to miss out on the special discounts?  Join today and SAVE!




List price: $0.00
Price: $0.00