Volunteen Information


Calling All Teens!

The Racine Zoo is proud to provide a volunteer program that is designed for young adults ages 13 to 18 years old. This is perfect for those who are considering a future career with animals, zoos, education, or for those just looking for a fun volunteer opportunity! Volunteens gain valuable experience and learn skills to help them in their future careers.

To learn more about our volunteen program, check out our Volunteen Description

Those that wish to participate in the Volunteen program will have to submit an application along with a letter of recommendation from a teacher or group leader, and a personal paragraph about why they want to be a part of the program.


To apply, please fill out the Volunteen Application

Email: cmeredith@racinezoo.org

Questions? Call 262.636.9580 or email
New Volunteens are accepted in the Spring and Fall of each year. Applications are due annually on April 1st and October 1st. You will be contacted by email to set up an interview and training date.