Animal Enrichment Wish List

In-kind donations of goods help offset the Zoo's operating budget by supplying needed time and materials from generous donors. Animal care specialists need treats, toys, and supplies for the animals to keep their environments as tidy as possible. If you are willing to help, please take a look at the list below. You may have many of these items laying around in your home! Enrichment donations can be dropped off at the Zoo Administrative Office located at 200 Goold Street.


Animal Enrichment Wish List (all food items must be unopened and unexpired)

bags of playsand BIG tractor tires local grocery store gift cards
blankets blue jeans batteries (AAA, AA, D)
boxes buckets unsweetened applesauce
burlap cardboard barrels peanut butter
chains coloring books fruit flavored baby foods
crepe paper egg cartons (cardboard only) cooking extracts
fans decommissioned firehose orgnanic essential oils
fogg-it nozzles garage door springs low/no sugar jams and jellies
hollow logs hunting scents oats
nature sounds CD non-toxic kids bubble bath spices
non-toxic crayons old clothes honey
paper bags paper towel tubes pasta/rice
perfumes or colonges pet toys carpet tubes
phone books plastic bottles and containers Kong toys
plastic kiddie pools PVC pipes and end caps plastic storage totes with lids
rolls of butcher paper rodent exercise wheel sugar free jello or drink mixes
rope rubber mats various unsweetened cereals
sheets/pillowcases sidewalk chalk  
Tempra paints and brushes tennis balls  
towels wooden barrels