
SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction



What is AZA SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction all about?

Through the Association of Zoos & Aquariums' SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction, for the first time, the entire AZA-accredited zoo and aquarium community will focus our conservation science, our wildlife expertise and our 180 million visitors on saving species in the wild. Across the 229 AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, we have more wildlife care experts, more animals and a greater opportunity to engage the public than any other entity. 

We have three-quarters of a million animals representing 6,000 species, with close to 1,000 of them endangered in the wild. AZA-accredited institutions are already investing over $160 million annually towards field conservation to help save animals in the wild. Through AZA SAFE, AZA and its members will convene scientists and stakeholders to identify the threats, develop action plans, raise new resources and engage the public. AZA SAFE harnesses the collective power of all AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums and invites you to join the effort. 


Corporate Partnerships 

Consumers are able to take direct action in AZA SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction by participating with our corporate partners, Frito Lay, Alex and Ani, and FishFlops, or by downloading AZA's app, TailsUp!


Public Engagment Goals 

The education goals of SAFE revolve around engaging the public. We want zoo and aquarium visitors to learn about the exciting and important conservation work AZA accredited institutions do, support the conservation efforts of their local AZA-accredited facility, and take action to save wildlife and habitats. See the AZA Conservation Education Committee's education outcomes for SAFE 


2015 Species 

In 2015, AZA SAFE will focus on 10 species: African penguins, Asian elephants, black rhinoceros, cheetahs, gorillas, sea turtles, sharks, vaquitas, Western pond turtles, and whooping cranes.