Life span:
Average 5 years, up to 30 years
40 days – 10 months, depending on species and food availability
Number of young at birth:
Usually 1 per year, some species have twins or triplets
Age of maturity:
18 – 24 months
Heaviest - flying fox, 3.3 lb
Size at birth:
0.008 – 13 oz depending on species
Fun Facts:
Bats pollinate the world’s fruit producing plants and eat thousands of mosquitoes at night.
Bats are not blind, although some bats do use echolocation to find their insects and meals.
A mother bat can locate her pup by its scent and sound out of millions in a roost.
Bats roost upside down, usually in large social groups, in caves, trees and man-made structures.
All bats live on milk from birth up to six months of age.
About 70 percent of all bats eat insects.
Some bats eat fruit, nectar, fish and three species even eat blood.
Some male bats sing to attract a mate.
Females only have one baby, called a pup, per year, although some species may have twins or quadruplets.